Before going to the office, I had to perform my foreman's role to ensure that things are ok at home. First, I asked one of the workers to clear out the clutter while waiting for Ago and the other worker. Then, I talked to Ago on the progress of the work and told him to finish up the tile installation of the kitchen. I also told him to come early tomorrow as we need to return to
Eurotiles to buy additional tiles for the aviary. I am not sure who made the mistake in the estimate. Ago computed the tile count using 8" x 8" tiles. The salesperson converted the computation to the requirement using 8" x 12", the size of the tile I chose. I actually know how to make that estimate but I let Ago do it.
Since MIL was about to go and there was a ready tricycle, I wrapped up the discussion and hitched a ride with MIL. I got off at the terminal and took the waiting van. I slept the entire trip and when I woke up I got this text message from a friend who is also a colleague wanting to meet me at lunch. She said we can just take an early lunch before going to the office. I said yes because I know there are some pretty interesting office politics we would be talking about.

We had lunch and discuss the usual woes of employees caught in the ugly side of office politics. I have chosen to breach the bounds of the usual office courtesies and play an outsider role. I refuse to kiss asses and that seems to displease the power that be and the power brokers in this office. My friend and many other ex-colleagues probably do not have the heart and guts to rock the boat and win the ire of our blood-sucking colleagues. They either endure it until they can no longer take it and leave. They let off steam once in a while and I listen. Well, I cannot say I am victorious in my crusade but I have been heard and listened to by the top brass and I have managed to elicit certain responses from people that matter in our organization. In a way, I feel liberated and can breathe freely. Yet, I am still here among the leeches, I mean my officemates......
Because of this lunch, I missed lunch with another friend who is from another office in the Department and in the same predicament. Yesterday, I helped her draft a letter requesting transfer to another office. She wants to meet up with me today, probably to consult me. I told her about the previous commitment I made with my other friend. I asked if she wants to join us..... but got no answer. So I thought that she won't meet me for lunch today until she texted asking if our lunch date will push through. I told her I had an early lunch with my friend-colleague and we could just meet for snacks. She said ok.
I always have people particularly underdogs consulting me on their boss's problems and sometimes just telling their stories. I give advice if answers are sought. I don't always agree with their side but I am always willing to listen.

This brings me to my observation that abuses and bigotry in the workplace still happen today even if more and more culture-sensitive companies attempt to bring
work-life balance. Whether we like it or not, we need to make a stand lest our abusive bosses and their ass-kissing minions think that the
caste system is still "in". The more power eats them up, the more they abuse it. They need to be reminded that slavery is long dead. I have that unenviable task.......
PS: Kanina habang nasa van ako papasok ng opisina, yun tao sa likod ko bigay todo ang pagsinga at dinig na dinig namin lahat kung paano lumabas pati yata kaluluwa niya sa pagsinga...... naman talaga. Ilan beses suminga na natataon pa naman tuwing patulog na ako. Hindi ko naman masabihan na kung pwede hinay hinay lang at karapatan niya naman suminga para mailabas lahat ng gusto niyang ilabas sa ilong niya. Pero nasa likod ko siya kaya apektado ako at baka tamaan ako ng kung ano..... Kalaunan, nasanayan ko na rin siguro ang pagsinga niya at pinapakiramdaman ko na lang kung saan ang direksiyon at baka liparin ako kasama ang kung ano-ano......
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