Sunday, September 21, 2008

Cultural Differences in a Diverse World

This may help explain why we sometimes do not see eye to eye with our fairer counterparts. Notwithstanding our cultural differences, men of different colors, creed, language, class share the same world.

Blue --> Westerner
Red --> Asian/Chinese


Way of Life




Queue when Waiting

Sundays on the Road


In the restaurant


Handling of Problems

Three meals a day


Elderly in day to day life

Moods and Weather

The Boss

What's Trendy

The child

These icons were designed by Liu Young who was born in China and educated in Germany.


Anonymous said...

Icons that speak volumes. i'm glad you found it and have those posted on your blog because there is much to muse about ourselves and our Western counterparts, which is by the way run in our blood...

brainchild said...

Hi dfish,

Differences can't be avoided. It's how we deal with our differences and accept these as part of our diverse world. Being a melting pot of races.... does it make us more tolerant of other cultures?

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