I woke up to turn my phone alarm off. In my morning state of being, I saw this familiar yellow note stuck on my night table from the corner of my eye. Squinting to read it in the dark, I recognized ED's handwriting requesting, rather instructing me to wake her up at 8:00am.
It's not the first time I got such note. MD would tuck a note under my celfone which is parked on my night table. MS would expect that I read his note taped to his bedroom door or the wall beside it where he also taped a list of his debtors which includes me, being his his biggest exposure. Last time I checked, I owe him around P80 for his various services like massage on the head, back, or hand which are priced separately..... and my and some other people's loans. The kind of notes I receive varies. it can be a reminder to remind their dad to give them fare money or extra money when they are going out... it can be a list of materials that MS needs the following day....... Oh, I received the bad news that my TV set was struck by lightning through a post-it note.
Ever since the kids had their own rooms, they would often be holed up in their own private spaces. I would also retreat to my own bedroom particularly after a long day. This explains why the nightly interaction have become limited somehow. We're not much into too much talkies. When our home was way too small and everything was two steps awaiy from the center, one is forced to communicate..... and we even get into each other's nerves with the frequency of interaction. Now, movement is not so closely monitored and I would even miss my kids when they are not within view.
Communication can be quite a strain..... especially on schooldays when hubby and I arrive late and the kids have to be in bed early. Often, MS would be asleep when I get home. That is why we need to devise a communication system..... It's not usual practice to text a message particularly if the task is something that will be done the following day. It tends to be forgotten.
In one of my organizing sessions at home, one of the things I placed in their study tables is a pack of yellow post-it notes. I thought it would be a cool idea to jot down stuff that needs to be remembered and not repeatedly rammed on my head. It's a more subtle reminder delivered brightly...... With the post-it note, the kids devised a much improved communication system which is even personalized.
I love sharing with my students in my marketing class the origin of this bright yellow notes that one would not miss anywhere. It's story is not really one of the stranger than fiction stuff but it's a kind of story that pleasantly surprises and gives inspiration in generating product ideas. It turned out to be one happy accident. If I remember my urban legend right, the post-it note came into being after an exasperated R & D personnel of 3M threw a paper on which he applied a kind of glue. The glue, I think, is the subject of the product development. The paper accidentally landed on a surface. When the would-be inventor lifted the paper up, it was lifted nicely and the spot where the paper landed was smudge-free. That single accident launched a multi-dollar product for the company. Now, the lowly post-it-note of yore comes in different colors and sizes and use for various purposes. It's even use for art.
I like creations which proved to be more useful than originally intended. For us, these post-it notes serve as a medium to promote and maintain communication in our home......... Just before leaving for work, I can probably drop a note or two......
PS: Tapos na naman ang isang buwan. Me nangyari ba sa buhay ko? Ang bilis ng takbo ng panahon ....... pati klima, nagpapalit na yata.......
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