Through times, women have become important figures in the economic landscape of nations. When in the past women were relegated to domestic chores and rearing children, we now occupy important positions in the professional arena, academe, government, and community work. Consequently, shift in gender roles can likewise be seen in the domestic fronts as men begin to share the burden of running the household to a lesser or greater degree.
A lot of women have been rising to prominence and occupying positions of influence. All over the world, we have produced so many of these women. Margaret Thatcher ruled England with the toughness of a man. Indira Gandhi is the first and, to date, only female Prime Minister of India who led independence movements in her country. The gentle and frail Mother Teresa miraculously performed her duties against all odds. Who can forget the beautiful Princess Diana as her compassionate spirit shone brightly despite her many 'faults'. Nancy Reagan is one tough cookie and seen as the inspiration to President Reagan whom many dismissed as just another 'actor' but somehow made these doubters eat their words with an eventful presidency. Barbara Bush, quiet and unassuming, might be the saving grace for the 'George Bush'. Now, Michelle Obama is much more than Barrack's better half. I dare say even Angelina Jolie has been making her presence felt with her humanitarian missions and who would miss her multi-cultural family she put together by adopting babies all over the world.
In this country, Imelda Marcos is largely seen as the force who made and broke Ferdie. President Cory Aquino became the first female president through a peaceful revolution of the masses. After President Aquino, people became more accepting of a woman president as President Gloria Arroyo assumed the same role after another peaceful uprising. She supposedly won another term.
Sinner or saint, women power has become a force to reckon with.
Recent events continue to focus on two important women figures. President Arroyo is under public scrutiny in her last months in office as she delivered her last SONA recently. Will she be able to deliver her promise of progressive Philippines in her remaining months? A seasoned economists who introduced various economic reforms after inheriting a nation in turmoil from an excessive regime. Her efforts resulted in modest economic growth for the country and order in a number of institutions. She continues to boast about putting back the fundamentals in the right track resulting in macro-economic gains. True enough, there was a slight growth. While nations are reeling from the financial crisis, we are coping and managed to even improved our credit rating. Unemployment and inflation are in check. All these should very well be in place.... as Gloria is an economist.
President Aquino succumbed to colon cancer early this month. Seen as an icon of democracy, her magic continues even in death. Her presidency did not result in economic upliftment for the country. Not much was expected of the reluctant housewife ushered to the presidency by God's grace. Her presidency was threatened by seven coup attempts which she miraculously survived. Inspite of the difficulties poised to an unprepared president, the ideals of democracy was revived. In death, democracy is the legacy she leaves to us. Her silent demeanor betrays the heroism she has shone in her term as a president.
I had the good fortune of personally meeting and interacting with these two women on some important occasions. I have pictures with both of them to prove this. Being in the government, we would have them in some affairs in the office. One worked for our Department. But I am not talking about these interpersonal encounters.
One of these two women was a principal sponsor in our wedding. The other was a principal sponsor in the wedding of hubby's cousin and obliged for a photo with ED who was one of the flower girls.
They also figured prominently in my political awakenings. I was part of the crowd who helped install both to power. The first time, it was almost like a miracle that a housewife would topple a despotic Marcos regime. The second time was instigated by the Cory magic no less and we responded. Gloria, was installed to power, as the constitutional successor to the presidency when Erap was kicked out of the office.
Once again, these two women are in the public light. The outpouring of sympathy for Cory Aquino by the public is a testament to the greatness of this lady. In my lifetime, I have not seen a president so well-loved as Cory. Perhaps, I will never see another one.........
What about Gloria? The same public continues to despise her and her ways. Her apologists had to work doubly hard in painting a good picture for their boss. Her vaunted work ethics might have brought efficiency to the presidency but her ways continue to take off the decency in the same position. At about the same time that Filipinos were mourning the death of a beloved president, she just had to dine along with your entourage at some posh restaurant in New York.... How can one be so callous at a time like this? How can you all even partake of a meal that could feed the hungry in a poor country like where you serve. They say that someone picked up the tab for that dinner and that taxpapeyers' money was not used.. Really now.... I learned in my economics class that there is no such thing as a 'free lunch', Madam President. I guess you know that too well.....
As they say, history will be the judge in putting these two important women in their
rightful places..... So who will be put on a pedestal and who will be doomed to a special place way down there? Your guess is as good as mine...Cory already made her history .... hers was a life put at the service of God, country, and people. And Gloria's ? A life lived ostentatiously ......
Who would you remember as a 'good' president? The workaholic Gloria or the Gentle Cory... Two women with the same aspirations and hope for this country but are much different in their ways of attaining these goals..... One is selfless........the other selfish .... or self-filled......
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1 hour ago
Oh Wow! The best post ever. It thought I was reading a news column. Care to write for
Thanks Mahalia. Coming from you, I am so flattered. And it will be an honor to write for BarrioSiete. How do I do it?
Very interesting, the way you express your thought is so amazing.
From now on, i will be one of your avid reader.. btw, i'm also from barrio siete dot com.
Truly, a magnificent post. I love these expressions. They are all coming from the heart.
Ito ang link:
wow! pinabibilib mo talaga ako..wish i could also write like that..i agree with mahalia, parang news column. I'm inspired to try writing.
Whoa, I was surprised to see these many comments in my humble home.... I hardly get one and I get thrilled by even just a single comment on a post.
To Irej, Rob, and fan ko na rin :), many thanks for the kind words. It means a lot to a struggling blogger.
I hope to continually improve on my craft with every post. To my fan (hate saying that. Is there another name I could call you?), take the leap and write.... it's liberating......
Let me add that I probably was able to put the right words in this post because the opportunity of honoring a courageous and beautiful woman doesn't come too often ....
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