I was changing bed linens in ED's room on a Sunday. I guess my kids are no longer the children I can dictate to on what they have to do....... and yet they couldn't even do their own beds. What is it with kids these days (probably my mother's rant during my youth). My appeals which could turn into threats always fall on deaf ears. When they were younger, I could nag them a bit. But as they age, I had to be both sensible and sensitive in dealing with these things. So far, I think I am losing the battle.
As I was doing my motherly chores (so let this task be a labor of a mum's love), the snoop in me couldn't resist looking around the room to see what's new or not in order (hope she is not reading this........ my two girls would scold me for nosing or snooping on their stuff). My wandering eyes chanced upon her dresser which was in disarray as she deposits her stuff there as soon as she enters the room. There on top was something new....... a bunch of keys partly hid what my eyes were straining to see....
I stopped what I was doing...... By some unknown force, I was drawn to the dresser. I went to see what it was.........it's ED's nameplate which she wears with her new white uniform. I took it and look at it with the glee of a curious child. In an instant, I would feel the pride of a mother with no one to share it with at that moment. I went back to doing my chores wishful thinking as the sun's rays peer through the window....
It's still a long way to cash in on that dream ........ less than five years if she does well........ Yet, ED's nameplate somehow gave me the glimmer of hope of a dreamer whose own dream gave way to someone else's.......
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