Today is a most special day for me as I came to this world wiggling out and screaming from the safety of my mom's womb more than twenty years ago ..... a lot more actually .... a whole lot more .... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME :)
Life's not perfect but not without its moments. I feel lucky at times and a total failure some other time. I had days when I shed buckets of tears but those cannot eclipse the days when my heart was drowning in joy. There were times of plenty and more times that I had to deal with want. People come and go in this life but I have accepted that this happen for a reason. I can take the fact that in the end only those who accept you for what you are, remain when the light dims and everything's been taken ......
With all the ironies that life presents, I cannot ask for more. There still a long road to travel.... some parts may be paved but some will be littered with potholes and dirt ... the stuff that makes the journey all the more challenging and interesting ....
To my loved ones and friends, thank you for loving me despite my flaws ..... and if you're still there, thank you for bearing with my foul moods, inconsistencies, selfishness, and a lot more things I don't like about myself, all this time... If some of you are gone by now, thanks for the time that you've given me and the life's lessons you've left me ..... To all those who are yet to become part of my life, I wish you luck as I look forward to meeting you sometime ....
To myself, learn to let go, forgive, and forget..... as the years roll by, learn to take things in stride and take it easy.... live in moderation ...... and maybe take the road less traveled sometimes ....
It's been one heck of a trip.... I still don't know where life will take me but the journey goes on ..........
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1 hour ago
Belated Happy Birthday Amor...More power!
thanks Al... you've been an inspiration to me in the blogosphere:)
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