Before things get anymore out of hand, I have decided to do some self-correction ASAP. The timing is perfect. It's the start of another month and a quarter is about to end. I need serious damage control if I have to take stock of my life..... Like making a new year's resolution, this is one tough act.... Prevention would have been better.... But the human in me is bound to make old worn out excuse.....So here I am correcting what could have been prevented....
This week, some corrections are in order in the way I do things. Again, I have been remiss on so many things...I have backlogs left and right, personally and professionally. I have been slacking off..... I should get hold of myself and start doing things as they are supposed to be done. Even the look of my desk appalls me..... I should start throwing some of those 'trash'..... whatever those heaps are must be disposed of, pronto....
I made small progress in school. I started organizing my thoughts and my ways to update my blog...making some small progress too..... Still, there are some more things that I am simply avoiding. I know I should deal with them.
Walking under a dark sky with the stars strewn all over somehow set the pace for the weekend that Friday evening.... I can feel my mortality amidst the darkness that engulfs whatever my eyes can see..... those little stars provide a glimmer of hope to an eternal optimist ........ I will rise above my own limitations....
The weekend was uneventful but just the same it is just so nice to enjoy the comforts of home unrushed, uncompromising, unpretentious........ and whatever ails me, home will always be my refuge......
i noticed the shift there, just when you were to end the post - from organizational thinking to spatial thinking. More please, hehe.
You are so observant, Al.... never missing a beat:).... perhaps, some things are better left to the imagination .......
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